Conventional methodology related to fitness, health and wellness is limited to viewing body parts visible to the naked eye described by gross anatomy. The framework is presented by this author from the perspective that the human body is comprised of many interconnected bones, muscles, tissues and organs rendered inconspicuuous to the unaided vision.
Following this logic, a root of a health problem is considered to originate from functional deficits caused by visible and unseeable components of the human body. Proprietary treatment interventions for fitness training and injury treatments are introduced here that consider integrated functioning of invisible and distinctly seen body areas.
Human movement is accomplished by an integrated effort of three main systems, within the human body, nervous system, skeletal system and muscular system collectively known as a human movement system. If one system and its components are not functioning properly it will compromise the operation of the entire human body. When attempts to relief pain disorders are unsuccessful it puts the nervous system in a state of high alert and makes functioning of musculoskeletal system is less than optimal.
Studying the anatomical structure of the human body and practicing a proper movement will contribute to improving functional body capacity. In turn, an efficient integrated functional movement will remove undue stress from the nervous system to allow muscular and skeletal systems function properly.
If you exercise regularly and you are training unconsciously the isolated body parts such as chest, arms or legs without a proper awareness of integrated functional movement you will be increasing the risk to impair your mobility and getting injured with age.
The starting point to address this problem is to study the complete the body’s anatomical structure and gain a better understanding as to how the muscular and skeletal components are supposed to function in an integrated fashion to produce optimal human movement.
Human Health and Beyond
Industry experts maintain that a root cause of a health problem to build optimal wellness cannot be addressed in physical terms (e.g., nutrition, fitness, stress, reduction) and they suggest to take a multi-dimensional approach and integrate the psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues of a human being into wellness paradigm.
John Travis, MD, MPH and Meryn G. Callander suggest to draw an analogy between an iceberg and the human body. The icebergs have about one-tenth of their mass above the water and the remaining nine-tenth remain submerged. Your existing health condition is the tip of an iceberg. If you don’t like it, you can patch it or chip some away, more of the same comes up to take its place.
The crucial importance of the mental health is understood and expert suggestions vary from a simple series of steps to recharge your life to a complex psychotherapy; however, mental state conditions of the human body cannot be addressed successfully by an exclusive analysis of psychological, emotional and spiritual issues.
If you attempted to use traditional recommendations and they produced little or no progress you are not alone. You might have a distinct feeling that some piece or pieces of this puzzle are missing.
Many people lead unhealthy lifestyles, but they are unable to change them and self-destructive behaviors are widespread throughout the entire society and the present emphasis on quick results and easy fixes results in a failure to resolve the fundamental health issues.
If you cannot change your bad habits your problem might be beyond the lack of discipline and setting up a plan of action. You need to look into the underlying lifestyle/psychological aspects and determine what prevents you to practice the healthy habits.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]